How Aggressive the E-commerce today!

How many E-commerce apps do you have on your smart phone? 1,2,3 or more?

I myself install 3 e-commerce apps on my phone. In the beginning, I rarely use these apps for shopping. I use these apps just to make price comparison from the product in conventional market to what it sells in online stores.


image source : here

Next time I just want to check what kind of product they sell in online store, and it brings me to be a buyer. A little bit surprise, I found they sell the various products with various prices also. The filter key also helps us to buy a product based on our budget limit. I buy a hand phone from Lazada finally. The app is easy to use because this app is mobile friendly, the description of product is good, and the delivery time is quite fast.  My hand phone arrived after two days. After first transaction in Lazada, I become the regular buyer from online store apps :D. I bought makeup, bag, and even for soap I prefer to buy it from online store.

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image source : here

Lately, the marketing strategies of online stores are getting wild. It cannot be denied that the competition between online stores happen because there are so many online store in Indonesia and worldwide. I install three e-commerce apps; Lazada, Shopee, and Tokopedia. From my research, they use Flash sale as a technique sale, to boost the visitor in their app, and to boost the transaction. How it works? These three apps, will sale some product in limited time. For example, they do flash sell 50 rice cookers at 12.00. At 12.10 the rice cookers have sold out. These three apps use flash sale technique with different time and various products. I usually check flash sale in Shopee app, because this app usually sale so many products in certain hours.

Flash Sale Xiaomi Redmi 5A di Lazada -

image source : here

In this Ramadan month, the level of Indonesian product consumption is higher than the previous months. Many workers get their THR (Religious holiday allowance) this month. The online shops take this moment to do Ramadan big sale.

The E-commerce apps do unmitigated promotion apps to pull people to visit. Moreover, two apps that I mention above promote their sale in two different national televisions. I just surprised how ambitious and aggressive e-commerce apps nowadays. One more time I remember when a pop up adv. blocked my article to show an e-commerce promotion.

The competition between e-commerce apps is very interesting for me to be seen. The new e-commerce app is possible to be new and new every day. Today people are so innovative in many ways. Including open an online store to sell a certain product, release a new promotion to pull people attention. It always interesting for me to see how people could be so innovative in this competitive digital era.

The Danish Girl : Movie Review and short Article


image source : here

I never expected before that I am going to love this movie!

The movie tells about transformation of a man named Einar Magnus Andreas Weneger from a man to a woman. What interesting about this movie is when I see how a person loses his or her identity, and tries in various ways to find himself.

Einar Weneger starts to admire women stuffs such as beautiful dress, satin pajamas and cosmetics. He uses women dress and cosmetics and along with the time the characteristics of women appear from him. The way he spoke changed, his gesture is also elegant, he wears cosmetics regularly, and he fall in love with a man.

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image source : here

In his transformation process, Lili Elbe comes as a dominant characteristic from himself. Lili elbe is a woman character from Einar Weneger. He is physically a male human being but his soul is woman.  The role of Einar Weneger as a man and a husband disappear. In one moment when his wife forces Lili Elbe to change into Einar weneger (dress up like a man), it causes Einar Weneger to torture. He surely realizes that he is a woman.

Again, what I like from this movie is the way Einar Weneger reveals his great desire to be woman. It is depicted clearly how somebody realizes what he like from himself, a very big desire, although crazy desire to change his soul. I would give a standing applause to the main character when he look herself in a mirror and imagine herself as women. The actor transfers his feeling greatly to the audience. For me, I could feel his longing from that scene.

The searching of identity or self-identification is a long process. Every day we try to figure of what we are. Simply, we realize what we like or dislike, what our dreams, our gestures in daily life, the way we speak, which when those combinations shape our personality. The searching of identity of Einar Weneger makes me feel pity for him. When he cries and makes decision to change himself as a woman forever. The process of Einar transformation is not easy. He got physical abuse from society and big disappointment from his wife. He is still struggling to get a new identity as a woman

In Indonesia, transgender issues are getting hot because one of Indonesian singer is allegedly a transgender. In Indonesia, LGBT is not a thing that considers being common. Many people still cannot accept them because our traditional culture and religion which decided the each function. There are just two genders Male and Female, nothing else. For me personally, I don’t agree about the concept of LGBT. Again, because in my tradition and my religion I know there are just two genders as a God creation; men and woman, nothing else. I don’t hate LGBT people, also I don’t know their story, I don’t have right to judge. Moreover, the higher virtue of all is Love. We have a responsibility to spread love not hatred.


Wuits,, Museum Macan yang saya maksud dalam tulisan ini bukanlah museum mengenai hewan Macan, atau pedangdut yang bernama Trio Macan. Museum MACAN merupakan singkatan dari Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara. Museum ini terletak di Jakarta Barat, tepatnya di AKR Tower lantai MM, Jalan Panjang No.5, Kebon Jeruk.


IMG_20171230_144128Koleksi Museum

Museum ini mulai buka pada Bulan November 2017. Saya ingat ketika pertama kali membaca di portal online mengenai museum baru di Indonesia, saya langsung search di Google mengenai sejarah berdirinya. Singkat cerita museum ini didirikan oleh seorang pengusaha yang sangat menyukai karya seni lukisan.

Pengunjung berpose di depan lukisan

Museum ini semakin terkenal berkat para netizen yang sering mengunggah foto dengan lokasi Museum MACAN, dengan background lukisan yang unik. Well, ketika saya berkunjung ke sana, saya melihat lebih banyak orang yang berpose di depan lukisan dari pada menikmati lukisan-lukisan yang ada. Apalagi dengan fakta bahwa museum ini masih baru, orang seakan-akan ingin memberitahu follower mereka bahwa mereka sudah mengunjungi Museum Macan. Upload, like, comment, the life of instagram pople!

Antrian pengunjung Museum MACAN sangat ramai. Sangat disarankan untuk mengecek jadwal buka museum dan membeli tiket secara online. Karena bila membeli tiket on the spot, pengunjung akan antri berjam-jam. Ada kemungkinan setelah antri berjam-jam, petugas akan mengumumkan bahwa tiket sudah habis. Untuk pembelian tiket secara online dan informasi harga tiket silahkan buka situs resmi Museum Macan di Kunjungan di museum dibagi-bagi menjadi beberapa waktu, dengan total kunjungan untuk satu tiket adalah dua jam saja. Bila Anda membeli tiket pukul 14.00, maka Anda keluar pada pukul 16.00.

IMG_20171230_143612.jpgPengunjung menikmati lukisan

Lukisan yang dipajang di dalam museum cukup banyak, namun tidak sebanyak yang saya bayangkan. Mungkin karena museum ini masih baru. Saya harap mereka akan menambah koleksi lukisan lebih banyak lagi, dan memajang lebih banyak lukisan-lukisan karya Anak Bangsa. Saya cukup menikmati lukisan- lukisan yang ada. Tidak sulit untuk memahami contemporary art menurut saya. Lukisan contemporary merupakan lukisan yang apa adanya, dilukis menurut zaman. Selamat menikmati akhir pekan, dan semoga belum basi, Selamat Tahun Baru !

Elizabeth I’s Efforts to Solve the Problem of Religious Intolerance in England at That Time

Elizabeth should make a careful decision in that time; Elizabeth tried to control the religion’s hard-liners to minimize the conflict. Another reason for treading carefully was because every decision could ignite the war between countries. Protestant leaders in northern Germany expected Elizabeth to take up the cause of the Protestants. In other hand, Elizabeth was also very aware that two very powerful Catholic states (Frances and Spain) were waiting for the Queen’s decision. Every decisions that Elizabeth did at that time will be causing the angger of the Protestant believer and Catholic believer. The final religious settlement recognized royal supremacy within the church. The Act of Supremacy made Elizabeth Supreme Governor of the Church and church officials were required to take an oath of obedience to Elizabeth. This supreme made the position of Queen Elizabeth was very strong.

In 1559, Elizabeth framed new religious laws with the help of her chief minister, William Cecil. This known as the religious settlement of England then establishing England as a Protestant Country. The church and priest had to use the English Prayer Book and Queen Elizabeth also remove all the superstition in the church:

  • That the minister in a parish church faced the congregation when he read the Common Prayer and gave divine service.
  • That during baptism, a minister should dispense with the making of the cross on a child’s forehead as this was mere superstition.
  • That those who were unable to kneel during communion should not have to do so if they were aged or sick.
  • No minister should wear anything other than a plain surplice during a service.

The protestant became popular in England whereas Catholics became minority.  As the Supreme of Governor of the Church, Elizabeth gave tolerant to every religion in England as long as not out of the rules. Elizabeth practiced religious clemency and tolerance, which was an attempt to harmony the state of affairs between the Roman Catholics and the Church of England.

The Protestant, The Catholic or The Puritans (the radical protestant) have their own church and no one have right to disturb any religions and belief.


British History Encyclopedia